Debut: 2004
Members:- Yokoyama You (Yoko, Yokocho, Kimi)
- Murakami Shingo (Gorilla, Hina, Shin-chan)
- Shibutani Subaru (Baru, Shibuyan, Chicchai Ossan)
- Maruyama Ryuhei (Maru-chan)
- Yasuda Shota (Yassu, Sho-chan, Chimpanzee)
- Nishikido Ryo (Ryo-chan, Dokkun)
- Ohkura Tadayoshi (Ohkura, Tacchon, Tatsuyoshi, Tatsu)
- Uchi Hiroki (Uchi, Hiro)
TV/Radio Show:
- J3Kansai – from pre-debut days
- Honjani
- Janiben
- SukaJ
- Muchaburi
- Kikujani – Radio Show
- Recomen – since pre-debut days radio show
- Ariehen Sekai
- Kanjani8 Tsusin
- Can! Jani
- Kanpani
- Urajani
Splinter Groups:
Other group(s) that the member also join, both temporary and permanent.
- News – Ryo
- Sankyoudai – Shibuyan, Yasu, Yoko (with the name Baru, Chipa and You)
- Sanbaka/Ossan san-nin – Hina, Yoko, Shibuyan
- Yamada – Maru and Yasu
- Ohyamada/Kanjimi3/Ohkura Band – Ohkura, Yasu, Maru
- Subaru Band – Subaru, Ohkura, Yasu, Maru
- No Border – Shingo (explanation later)
- The Shigotonin – Ohkura with Higashiyama of Shounentai and Mabo from Tokio
- Five Flat Flowers -- Shibuyan with Five, a junior group
Uuuuh! I can write 10 pages for these guys…^0^
If Arashi is my first love, Kanjani8 is definitely my true love ^^. In my opinion, they are the group that is granted with special pass to do whatever they like – music and performances-wise – from Johnny. You will hear hard rock songs such as Misetekure (which reminds me a lot with Arashi’s Pikanchi), Explosion and Do You Agree. Pop songs like It’s My Soul, Kanfuu Fighting, Zukkoke Otoko Michi. Jazz and blues in Kawaita Hana and Osaka Rainy Blues, rap/enka fusion in Naniwa Iroha Busshi and Oh Enka! Also sweet love songs like Itsuka Mata, Mamoritai, Oosaka Romance, Puzzle and Watashi Kagami. Really, this unit doesn’t have any exact pattern on their music genre. Shibutani and Nishikido (and Uchi) used to dominate all the singing, but lately all members also shown their potential in singing like Maru, Tacchon and Yassan. While, Yoko and Hina... Ma... They've tried their best, right?
The group really represents the true meaning of unity, all for one and one for all. Each member really covers what other members lacking of. The lack of singing ability from Hina and Yoko covered with the Subaru’s exceptional voice. Ryo and Yasu seriousness patched with Maru, Yoko and Hina uproar. Maru and Ohkura’s M-ness are totally suitable for Yoko, Hina and Ryo’s S-ness. Also in writing songs the fans get touched with Yasu and Shibuyan’s poetry lyrics in their singles, in the other hand, they also shed tears from Yoko’s realistic lyrics.Unlike News and Arashi, Kanjani8 has been a group way before they were debuted, even beyond the name itself. They’ve been experience up and downs together proving their strong bond. Starting with the Kansai Junior exodus from Tokyo (in 2002-2003) that leave them jobless, Shibutani’s breakdown, Nishikido debut with News, almost zero promotion on their debut song and Uchi’s drinking incident. Practically they've been together since babies, Murakami and Shibuyan live close to each other, they often spent a night in each other's houses. Tacchon and Ryo also live in the sae neighborhood.
During the jobless time, Shibuyan fell into depression that he took a role of a call boy in a dorama, having trouble with several senpais and tattooed his hand (a BIG no no for a Johnny at that time, but I think it has changed since Tanaka Koki got a tattoo on his butt cheek... What kind of idiot tattooed their butt cheek?? Well, that's Koki for you ). The Sachou almost fire him, however, Hina and Yoko who were prominent juniors at the time bow their head and begged not to fire Shibuyan, and he stayed ^^. Later, Nishikido and Uchi were pulled out to News, leaving the rest of the boys get depressed as their chance of debuting together slowly diminish. But in 2004, their chance arrived. Johnny san finally debuted the 8 member group with an Enka/rap song Naniwa Iroha Bushi. I heard that Nishikido (and perhaps Uchi) was once rejecting to debut with News since he was unfamiliar with the rest of the member. Johnny san promised him that he could also debuted with Kanjani8 that make Ryo agree to join News.The Drinking Incident
In 2006, the group again faced adversity; Uchi was suspended due to underage drinking case. With Johnny’s power, all units are prohibited to mention Uchi in everyway, not even showing video footage. Unlike News that strictly cut off everything about Uchi, Kanjani8 – in their concerts – is still shouting that Uchi’s not going anywhere and they will always waiting for his return. They also known to leave gaps between their photos for Uchi also wore his color (pink) in several occasions. Uchi started making appearance in their concerts also in countdown recently (perhaps a sign for us to see his return).Eito Ranger
Being from Kansai region, of course Eito have to be funny. Perhaps Kansai region is like Betawi people that have interesting dialect and loud. They, dubbed as the Idol who could ruin the future of Japanese comedians, always perform Ranger (like in Power Ranger, not that Penjaga Hutan Ranger) skits in their concert where they play role as sentai whose job is o protect he earth by carrying home the garbage from the park (as mentioned in their theme). Yoko is the one came up with all the sketches.The rangers:Hina -- Nassu/PurpleYoko -- BlackShibuyan – RedMaru – OrangeYasu – BlueRyo – YellowTatsu – GreenNo Border vs Yokoyama-kaiNo Border is an unofficial Johnny group consist of Hina and other seven JE talents including Gussan (Tokio), Matsujun (Arashi), Pi (News), Toma (Junior) and Takki (TnT). Basically this is a hang out group. Up until now, no official work of them shown in public.Feel irritate with the group (well, more of Hina joining a 'cool-guy-from-tokyo' group) Yokoyama has planned a competing group called Yokoyama kai where he would invite Ohkura, Aiba and Nino from Arashi to be the members. He even took their photo for the member club photo. The thing is, Aiba and Nino refuse to join. Later in the radio show, Hina offer Sakurai to join the kai, sadly Yoko stated that the club is no longer exist. LOL Yoko….Members
Murakami Shingo plays the piano in the band. Hina known to smack people on the head (known as tsukkomi, well, hmmph its hard to explain, just google it!). Not only the members, but also senpais, kouhais, reporters and other artists. However, he’s the most sane person in Kanjani8 often take role of the captain (or baby sitter to Ohkura) to put the member in order.
Shibuyan, lead vocal and guitar, is a total pervert and he’s not ashamed to show it on stage or TV, once he asked if he could feel a guest’s breast with his face that instantly trigger a tsukkomi from Hina. Shibuyan seems to be trying too hard to be a funny guy, since he's a serious guy in real life.
Yokoyama (bongo) is Eito's comedy mastermind. Nobody ould know what he got in his head. He's the man behind the ranger skits and Murakami's infamous dokkiri. However, he also could compose touching lyrics like the one in 413man, Onigishi, and Mikan... Despite being the mischief master, Yoko is actually a timid person...
Maru (base), the mysterious one... Maru is an M through and through ^^. Even though he play the idiot, Maru is actually a very cool guy. A VERY cool, kind, good looking guy, as long as he keeps his mouth shut. He often lies, but somehow he admitted that he's lying...
Yasu (lead guitar), the cutest thing in Johnny Associate in my opinion. A very very talented musician and composer. From this small guy came out beautiful songs like Watashi Kagami, the forementioned Desire, Kicyu, Purin, Mikan and Onigishi. He also named Nandemo Dekiruko -- the kid who could do anything -- since he can really do ANYTHING. Perhaps in the future Yasuda could be famous from his musical skill more than his current self. Sadly, the poor kid always become a bullying object by the other members, including Ohkura the baby...
Ryo, vocal and guitar -- currently playing piano also) known for his poison mouth since he says everything in his head without thinking. After watching his Shounen Club Premium a few days ago, I get the feeling that Ryo wants to be in Eito since the group could really enriched his musical side, while in NewS he could get the elegance and coolness...
After Uchi left, Ohkura fill in the baby position in Kanjani8. A big complaining-baby who easily give up in my opinion ^^. A total city boy who can not bear the harsh of nature. Murakami said once, if he ever have children, he would never will raise him to be like Tacchon.
wow genial!!! simplemente adore tu forma de describir kanjani8 :D
ReplyDeletewow cool!!! i just loved you're way to describe kanjani8 :D
ah... Thank you very much... ^^
ReplyDeletejust found your writing.
ReplyDeleteand i love the way you describe Eito.
thanks for sharing (^^)
Thanks for sharing! The way you describe each member and the group as whole is very nice and true...
ReplyDeleteThanks sooo much for this I really really have to thank you you made my day the best while reading this I cried hard and I laughed alot I really really appreciate this even if you wrote 10 pages I will read them all and I am saving this in my favorite cuz I have to read this from while to while xDD