Tuesday, December 08, 2009

At last.... After about a week of sleep deprived, constant cursing to the lecturer and of course headache, neck pain, back pains...... Finally.. It has finished~~~!!!!
Here's the result of our (the team and me) blood, tears and sweat.


We targeted to the people in Japan, since they have millions of potential tourists to visit Indonesia.
The Japanese there is sucks, we know... Since the lecturer stated that the product have to be understood by the target market and none of us know Japanse writings, so we ask Google-san to translate it for us...

If you look carefully there's Nishikido Ryo there, somewhre. Because, without him, this TVC is nothing... ^^
Please visit if you have the time....
Perhaps we should put him in the tag... That would surely boost up the hits... ^^