I've done this on my LJ account, but what the hey... I'll post it here too (with improvement of course)...
1. Which Johnny band is your favourite?
Kanjani8, Arashi....
2. Why?
Loves their songs and TV, radio shows...
3. Who is your favourite Johnny?
Sakurai Sho, Yasuda Shota...
4. Why?
Sho: He could be a smart guy and a baka in the same time...
Yasu: His gay-ness??? Huhahahaah... Everything about him...
5. When is your very first contact with a Johnny?
Waaay back to the 90s
6. Who was it?
Kimura Takuya of course
7. How did you know him?
From dorama Ordinary People
8. When actually did you really start listening/liking the JE?
Mid 2007...
9. What incident brought you into JE?
I watched Honey and Clover Movie and Nobuta Wo Produce , I realize Sho's awesomeness and Kame & Yamapi's actings...
10. Do you have a favourite JE song?
A LOT!! Love So Sweet, Pikanchi, A Day of Our Life from Arashi,
Kawaita Hana, Watashi Kagami, Osaka Rainy Blues from Kanjani8
Kiss~Kaerimichi no Love Song, Hanamuke from Tegomass
11. Do you listen to them the most?
Top of my Ipod's Play count
12. If not, who is your favourite band/artist?
Aside from JE boys I also listen to Chemistry, Greeeen, Hirai Ken ... Man! They're good!!
13. Which band/singer did you listen/like the most before JE?
Chemistry, Hirai Ken and Rie Fu... Aside from J-artist, I also like the Beatles, Stevie Wonder, Queen...

14. Who is your favourite in KAT-TUN?
Taguchi and Nakamaru (two guys on the right and left)
15. Why?
The only two Kat-Tun I like...
16. Do you have a favourite song of KAT-TUN?
I like Real Face and Don't You Ever Stop...
17. Do you have a favourite live of KAT-TUN? (solos counts, too)
18. Do you have a favourite show appearance of KAT-TUN?
Hmm... Not really...
19. Who do you think can sing the best of KAT-TUN?
I hate to say this.. but... Jin
20. Who do you think can dance the most of KAT-TUN?
21. Who is the girliest of KAT-TUN?
22. Who is the manliest of KAT-TUN?
23. Who is the cutest member of KAT-TUN?
24. Who is the funniest member of KAT-TUN?
Can't think of any
25. Who is the most prettiest in KAT-TUN?
26. Who has the best apperance in KAT-TUN?

Massu!!! Buu-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!! Watch out Massu flu.. ^^
28. Why?
He seems cute and strong at the same time...
29. Do you have a favourite song of NEWS?
NAnde2xDame2x, Chirarizumu, Izanaizuki and Nantoka Narusa
30. Do you have a favourite live of NEWS? (solos counts, too)
Ohoho... Chirarizumu and Sayaendou
31. Do you have a favourite show appearance of NEWS?
Nantoka Narusa perf. in Shounen Club Premium
32. Who do you think can sing the best of NEWS?
Tegoshi and Massu
33. Who do you think can dance the most of NEWS?
34. Who is the girliest of NEWS?
Earlier in my fandom, I would answer Tegoshi, but Koyama desu ne??
35. Who is the manliest of NEWS?
Ryo...! and He's not an Abang2 Dini!!
36. Who is the cutest member of NEWS?
Massuda definitely!
37. Who is the funniest member of NEWS?
38. Who is the most prettiest in NEWS?
39. Who has the best apperance in NEWS
40. Do you have a favourite PV of NEWS?
Sayaendou.. Since it wa the first NEWS's song that I listened to...
-Kanjani 8-

Don't have one.. I love them as whole..
42. Why?
Yassu: for his indiffrent perspective towards gender and sex
Hina: for his tsukkomi ^^ and his ability to control these wild boys
Baru: For his gloomy past and his singing power
Yoko: for being his Baka-tensai self...
Maru: For his foolishness
Tacchon: For being a big baby.. ^^
Ryo: For being the second baby...
Uchi: for not being there...
43. Do you have a favourite song of Kanjani 8?
Kawaita Hana, Kaimono Boogie, Misetekure, Zukkoke Otoko Michi
44. Do you have a favourite live of Kanjani 8? (solos counts, too)
Ohohohoho.. Their Eito Ranger skits!! those things are hilarious!!!
45. Do you have a favourite show appearance of Kanjani 8?
Kawaita Hana, Eden in Shounen Club Premium
46. Who do you think can sing the best of Kanjani 8?
47. Who do you think can dance the most of Kanjani 8?
48. Who is the girliest of Kanjani 8?
Appearance wise, Yassan laaaaah... the wholesome... Tatsu... ^^
49. Who is the manliest of Kanjani 8?
Hina and Maru!
50. Who is the cutest member of Kanjani 8?
Ohkura and Yassan
51. Who is the funniest member of Kanjani 8?
52. Who is the most prettiest in Kanjani 8?
53. Who has the best appearance in Kanjani 8?
Ryo and Hina
54. Do you have a favourite PV of Kanjani 8?
You Can See.... Well, It's Hina and Maru only.. But it's too cool to be missed...

Sakurai Sho (and my fave from all JE also)
57. Do you have a favourite song of Arashi?
Love So Sweet! and lately Beautiful Day
58. Do you have a favourite live of Arashi? (solos counts, too)
Matsujun's Yabai-Yabai-yabai from One con... How cool is that???
59. Do you have a favourite show appearance of Arashi?
Arashi No Shukudai Kun...
60. Who do you think can sing the best of Arashi?
61. Who do you think can dance the most of Arashi?
Captain also...
62. Who is the girliest of Arashi?
Jun... Nino came close...
63. Who is the manliest of Arashi?
64. Who is the cutest member of Arashi?
65. Who is the funniest member of Arashi?
All of them except Jun.. With the order: Aiba, Ohno, Sho, Nino ...><>
69. Who is your favourite younger unit? (ABC, Ya-ya-yah, Kiss my ft, Question...)
Don't really follow the younger unit... Does Tegomass counts as younger unit?? I do like them... ^^
70. Who is your favourite older unit? (V6, T&T, Smap, V6, Kinki Kids...)
Tokio!! HUhahhah... TnT in older unit?? They're younger than Arashi... ^^
71. Do you have a favourite member of any younger or older unit?
More of the older unit... Nagase and Mabo from Tokio, Okada and Inohara from V6..
72. Do you have a favourite song of any younger or older unit?
- Sorafune, South End and Boku No Renai Jijyou by Tokio
- Yakusoku, Kanashimi Blue by KinKi Kids
- Utao Utao, Ai Nanda, Honey Beat by V6
- Midnight Shuffle by Kondo Masahiko
73. Do you have a favourite show with any younger or older unit?
Shounen Club Premium, Utaban, Dohmoto Kyoudai, JE Sport event
74. Do you have a favourite live of any younger or older unit?
Performances in Shounen Club Premium, Countdown
75. Do you have a favourite actor in JE?
Nagase Tomoya, Ninomiya Kazunari and Nishikido Ryo
76. Do you have a favourite dorama starring with one of JE?
Kisarazu Cat's Eye, Ikebukuro West Gate Park, Nobuta Wo Produce, Last Friends
77. What was your very first dorama staring with one of JE?
Ordinary People -- Kimura Takuya
78. Which dorama of JE do you watch recently?
Konkatsu (Nakai Masahiro) and Hero (Kimtaku)
79. Which dorama of JE do you want to watch?
The Quiz Show (Yoko and Sakurai), The Shigotonin (Ohkura, Mabo, Higashiyama), Orthos No Inu (Takki and Kiddo), Niini no Koto Wasurenaide (Kiddo)
80. Who do you wish would should start acting, who hasn't yet?
They all have act.. But I want Aiba to get a lead role in a dorama..
81. Who do you wish should stop acting, because he sucks at acting or he should do something else instead?
Akanishi Jin (don't hesitate to beck to your hiatus day) and Ueda Tatsuya please do something else....
-Questions for fun-
82. Do you think that you are JE addicted?
83. Why do you think so?
I feel hollow whenever I did not see or hear anything from those boys
84. What will you do seeing your favourite Johnny standing infront of your door?
Asked him to marry me...Huahhahahah!
85. What advantages does starting liking JE give you?
A heavenly satisfaction... ^^
86. What disadvantages does it give you?
You starting to craving for some more...
87. How many times a day do you think about JE?
Approximately 12 to 16 hours...
88. How many times do you have the face of your favourite Johnny around you? (Poster or
Photos on wall, computer layout ect.)
My lappie wallie in the office is YokoYassan Kicyu clip, at home Kanjani8...
89. If your favourite Johnny or your favourite JE has to grant you a wish what would it be?
To be their manager?
90. If you have a wish about JE, what would it be?
I could inherit the business or at least have a business brain like Johnny-san...
91. If you are reborn, you wish to be who in johnnys?
Kitagawa Johnny (without the scandal tho)
92. If you are a Johhny's right now, who do you wish you are?
Murakami Shingo so I can tsukkomi anyone... ^^
93. If you can ask your favourite Johnny or your favourite JE band a question, what would it be?
Would you hold a routine concert in my country?
94. Did you ever had a dream with a Johhny?
One or twice...
95. If yes, when was it and what was it?
Once dreamt about Yamapi's death... *shudder*
96. Do you have any realizeable goal in your life that has to do with JE?
Started to save some money to go to Japan (with a hidden agenda to meet one of the boys)
97. Do you like JE BL fanfic?
Never read one, but I like the idea of coupling them... ^^ Yassuba, Ohryo,
98. If yes, who are the best couple of JE?
Ohryo!!! Ohkura and Ryo... Baby combi!!! >0<
99. If you are Johnny-san what would you change about JE?
Their Costumes!! Man! those hideous!