Thursday, December 11, 2008

Coolest samurai anime I've ever watch!!!

Gabungan antara budaya hip hop dan samurai era, jadi bikin satu kesatuan baru yang gila...

Anime ini bercerita tentang perjalanan tiga pengembara, Fuu, Mugen dan Jin untuk mencari samurai berbau bunga matahari-nya Fuu. Sepanjang perjalanan, Mugen dan Jin yang sama-sama kuat terus-terusan beratem (kaya' Sanji dan Zorro di One Piece lah -- agak lucu juga karena seiyuu Mugen adalah Kazuya Nakai yang juga nyuarain Zorro), Fuu-lah yang biasanya maksa mereka untuk berhenti...

Di dalem perjalanan ini, mereka ketemu dengan orang bule (gay) yang dikejar2 pihak berwajib, maen basebal lawan orang Amerika, Fuu sempet masuk ke rumah bordil, dan lain lain.

Yang unik dari anime ini, didalemnya banyak ditemuin hal2 yang mengejutkan. Pada episode awal kita bisa ngeliat kalo ada anak pejabat daerah (Daikan) yang kimononya ada garis tiga-nya (ciri khas merk terkenal, Adi**s), trus samurai yang ambutnya di cat pirang dan pake anting, samurai yang beat boxing dan lain lain...

Si tokoh utama sediri, Mugen, berantem dengan menggunakan teknik Capoeira, trus pake celana pendek, ber-anting dan pake wrist band. Kalo Jin lain lagi dia pake kacamata frameless yang jaman sekarang banget... Malah kacamataya kalo digadein bisa bayar ongkos penginapan mereka... Dan saring pedangnya Fuu pake gantungan macemnya henpon. Pokoknya nyeleneh banget deh...

Judul tiap episode anime ini terdiri dari dua kata yang huruf depannya sama, misalnya kaya Baseball Blues... (itu doang yang gw inget soalnya episode paling lucu). Banyak orang yang bilang kalo anime ini sewarna sama the legendary Cowboy Bebop karena directornya sama. Karena gw belom nonton Bebop I really can't tell.

Walo pun banyak yang aneh2, tapi inti cerita anime ini cukup berisi tapi ga bikin bosen... Gambarnya dinamis banget... Musiknya kebanyakan bernuansa Hip Hop, R&B... Openingnya berjudul Battlecry (The Nujabees feat. Fat John), dan ada beberapa ending song. Yang paling menarik perhatian gw sh cuma dua You (Kazami) dan Shiki No Uta (Minmi).

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Tiger and Dragon

The dorama tells about a Yakuza/Rakugo apprentice named Yamazaki Kotora (Little Tiger), and a son of a Rakugo master, Hayabashi Kotatsu (Little Dragon). Kotora is Kotatsu father’s disciple, a very passionate one, while Kotatsu himself – despite being a genius on Rakugo – left his family and rokugo to manage a small clothing store. Along the story, Kotora tries to persuade Kotatsu to return home and take his father’s name as a Rakugo artisan. It turns out that the Oyabun that Kotora served is his rokugo master’s friend in the past, and was a Rakugo artisan himself.

During his apprentice, Kotora live on his Shissou’s (Master) house who have 5 other apprentices other than Kotora, which called Donta (his biological son, Kotetsu older brother), Donkichi, Donkatsu, Donburi and the youngest one (who the shissou often forgot the name) Udon. There are also Sayuri – the shisou’s wife -, Tsuruko –Donta’s wife who was a famous Enka singer, Saya and Taro the magos.

Rakugo – it’s my interpretation from the movie, if you want further infos please googled or wikied it – is Japanese sitting down comedic act. The artisan usually told a funny story which occurred in Edo period. Each of the stories usually have a different moral in it and somehow, some audience is already familiar with the story at the beginning.

The artisans have to act out different characters that the stories tell. So he have to mind the head movement (which character facing which way in order to talk to other character). Voice tone, pace, pitch, mimic have to be different in order to differentiate each character. Sound though ya…. ^^

I watch this dorama after I know that the screenplay was written by the same person who write screenplay for Ikebukuro West Gate Park (which I love with all my heart). I was hoping the same gloomy and dark atmosphere like IWGP did, but I was wrong. I thought the movie will be full with Japanese cultural terms, assuming the main storyline is about Rakugo. But it turns out to be fun to watch; tho I don’t really get all the jokes. Just like IWGP, this dorama captured the audience (me) right from the start, unlike some other doramas that took slow pace at first.

As usual, Nagase Tomoya of TOKIO taking the role as good hearted Yakuza, Kotora, while his chibi friend, Kotetsu is played by Okada Junichi of V6. I don’t know why, but I found Nagase-san is very attractive in the dorama. Perhaps because his short hair (usually he has a longer hair). Dang! Who would’ve guess that Nagase-san is one of Jhonny’s boys with that Yakuza look. Oh, there’s also Tsukamoto Takashi who playing the role as Ryusekai Ginjiro, the Yakuza’s son – Kotaro’s apprentice.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Get this quiz from Dini's Blog....

*Listening to Depapepe's Piano Sonata No. 8 on C minor (Pathetique)*
A question... If they play play guitar, should the music called Guitar Sonata no. 8???
Dupdudududdup dup dup dudududup dup dup...

1. The phone rings; who do you want it to be?
>> Sho Sakurai!! Sho Sakurai!!!! Sho Sakuraaaaaaaaaaiiii!!

2. When shopping at the grocery store, do you return your cart?
>> Nope

3. In a social setting, are you more of a talker or a listener?
>> Listener.. Only my close circles know that I'm a blabber...

4. Do you take compliments well?
>> Nope.. I tend to get sloppy every time I got compliments

5. Do you play Sudoku?
>> Numbers tends to freak me out (except it's written on money bill)

6. If abandoned alone in the wilderness, would you survive?
>> Probably yea...

7. Do you like to ride horses?
>> Yep!!

8. Did you ever go to camp as a kid?
>> No T^T... Ga pernah dapet ijin nginep diluar rumah.. Baru dapet ijin waktu kuliah... (lah jadi curhat)

9. What was your favorite game as a kid?
>> Rhapsody: a Musical Adventure -- I was a game freak..

10. If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was married, would you go for it?
>> I do not mess around with other people properties no matter how sexy they are...

11. Could you date someone with different religious beliefs than you?
>> Dunno...

12. Do any songs make you cry?
>> Currently?? Saigo No Kawa (Trans: The Last River) by Chemistry. About a dead person saying a goodbye message to his/her most important person...

13. Are you continuing your education?
>> Still struggle not to get DO-ed

14. Do you know how to shoot a gun?
>> I practice every Saturday morning with my Communication Psychology lecturer as the target.

15. If your house was on fire, what would be the first thing you grabbed?
>> My Sanjiiiiii!!!! My life depend on it...

16. How often do you read books?
>> Trying to finish at least one every month

17. Do you think more about the past, present or future?
>> I'm a today person...

19. What color are your eyes?
Black... As millions other Asians

20. How tall are you?
>> 155 cm... Chibisuke!!!!

21. Where is your dream house located?
>> Somewhere near sea

22. Do you have a secret fetish?
>> Fingers!! And bunny incisors!!

23. Have you tried sushi?
>> Yep.. Love it!!

24. Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth?
>> Of course!! Complete with the ABG's victory-sign-and-three-fingers-wide-grin pose

25. When was the last time you were at Olive Garden?
>> Nani kore???

26. When was the last time you were at Church?
>> I think about 4 years ago in China Town area...

27. Where was the furthest place you travelled today?
>> My campus outside the town

28. What was your favourite job?
>> Editing videos!! Love it!!

29. Do you like mustard?
>> so so...

30. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
>> Sleep.. Not much of an eater

31. Do you look like your mom or dad?
>> More of my dad

32. How long does it take you to shower?
>> 5 to 10 minutes

33. Can you do the splits?
>> When I was younger yea... Now, I have Iron gate flexibility

34. What movie do you want to see right now?
>> Eager to see Dragon Ball the movie next year to see how much it sucks.. I heard they also making Tekken the movie with Kuriyama Chiaki (the crazy Japanese byotch in Kill Bill 1) as Ling Xiao Yu..

35. If you could fast forward your life, would you?
>> Sure! I love spoiler!!!! Nyahahah

36. What did you do for New Year's?
>> Don't have any plan sih...

37. Do you think The Grudge was scary?
>> Not really.. The little boy ghost remind me of my neighbor's son...

38. Could you relate to a character in Mean Girls?
>> Nope...

39. Do you own a camera phone?
>> Yeah...

40. Do you have an "ex box" with pics and letters from past lovers?
>> I want an XboX!!!! oh... sorry... no...

41. Was your mom a cheerleader?
>> Huahahaha... My mom was the class clown...

42. What's the last letter of your middle name?
>> It's common for in Indonesia to only use one name (tho it'll be hard for me to make a passport later on)

43. Do you like your middle name?
>> Ouch! That hurts...

44. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
>> 3-4 hours... 5 tops...

45. Do you like care bears?
>> Used to...

46. What do you buy at the movies?
>> Tickets??? Huehehehe... Popcorn...

47. Do you know how to play poker?
>> Nope, sucks at cards game anyway

48. Do you wear your seatbelt?
>> Yes

49. What do you wear to sleep?
>> Tshirt and shorts

50. Anything big ever happen in your hometown?
>> Dude.. ANYTHING could happen in Jakarta.. When I say anything... I mean A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G

51. How many meals do you eat a day?
>> 2

52. Is your tongue pierced?
>> Nope... Mahal!

53. Do you like funny or serious people better?
>> A little of both... Mostly funny..

54. Ever been to L.A.?
>> Nope

55. Did you eat a cookie today?
>> Nope... Si rian ga bawa... jadi ga bisa minta

56. Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?
>> I live to steal music and spread the wealth to the one need them.... I'm a Robin Hood of the pirate musics!!

57. Do you hate chocolate?
>> Nope.. I HATE cheese tho...

58. What do you and your parents fight about the most?
>> About the way I act and the way THEY act...

59. Are you a gullible person?
>> I may appear to be, but I'm not...

60. Do you need a boyfriend/girlfriend to be happy?
>> Huahaha!!! of course not!!!! There's a thing called ANIME (and JDorama -- in the mean time) !!!! Yeay!!!

61. If you could have any job what would it be?
>> A film maker

62. Are you easy to get along with?
>> Not really, people tends to ignore me...

63. What is your favorite time of day?
>> Midnight where the internet connection is fast, free and no one bugging me from watching and downloading Arashi's videos on Youtube!! Nyahahahaha...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Some Movies I’ve watched….


Sialan… Nyesel banget gw baru nonton film ini sekarang. Padahal taun 2002 gw lagi mabuk2nya nontonin festival film.. Film ini sempet ada di Jiffest taun itu…
Ceritanya soal para bocah SMA yang tergabung di klub Synchronize Swimming… Satu kota ga ada yang dukung… Kecuali satu Okama Bar.. Huahahah… Mama-san.. kocak banget… Pokoknya cerita ini anak SMA banget deh… Dari depan sampe belakang bikin pipi pegel gara2 ketawa…

Ga bakalan nyangka kalo Hiroshi Tamaki akan jadi lelaki keren kalo liat perannya kaya anak kampung di Waterboys…^^ Parah!!

Ceritanya berlanjut ke doramanya… Lumayan lucu lah… Atmosfernya masih sama kaya movienya… dan beberapa tokohnya juga masih muncul. Sayang Waterboys 2 nampaknya mengecewakan… Belum nonton semua sih, tapi kabarnya kaya cuma ganti pemeran doang tapi inti ceritanya sama. Gw beli dorama ini cuma mau liat ceritanya (walopun pesimis) sama mau liat Teppei ^^v.. Jeh!! Perannya jadi banci ternyata...

Cast: Hiroshi Tamaki, Satoshi Tsumabuki (Movie)
Eita, Takayuki Yamada, Mirai Moriyama (Dorama 1)
Koike Teppei, Hayato Ichihara, Keita Sato (Dorama 2)

Kiiroi Namida (Yellow Tears)

Story of four artists (a mangaka, sketch artist, novelist, and a singer) pursuing their dreams… Pokoknya film ini intinya ga semua impian atau cita-cita bisa kesampean… Dan mungkin lo emang jenius, tapi karena nasib mengizinkan lo jadi pekerja kantoran biasa… Ya jadilah lo pekerja kantoran biasa… Dari 4 tokoh disini yang akhirnya nerusin cita-citanya cuma si mangaka. Yang lain malah took a steady job, at least they don’t have to sell their clothes to pawn shop anymore… ^^

Cast: Arashi membaaa… Nyahahaha… Makanya gw nonton… ^^. Cuma di movie ini Matsujun terlihat agak lelaki… (mungkin karena pengaruh munculnya bentaran hehehe…)
Gyaaaa… Sho-kun dengan kacamata ala Potter ^^

Friday, November 14, 2008

Nungguin Emil

Bocan bocan bocan bocan. Nungguin emil dikamar mandi bisa denger:
- Love so sweet
- Kansha
- Modori Ame

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Honey and Clover battle
Okay… I’m a major major major major fan of Honey and Clover anime. Both seasons. It got great storyline, more mature too, beautiful drawing, and awesome musics. So, based on the greatness of the anime, I fully anticipated the live action J-Drama. Oh, wait, I have to mention about the live action movie too.

Righty.. I’ve watched the movie about two months after the anime series. And from an anime magazine in my country, I see the cast was actually quite promising. Well, at least from their looks.

Honey and Clover battle!!!
Anime vs Movie vs Dorama!!!!!

Hands down… the original anime wins!!!! The movie and dorama butchered up everything good. Everything as in every single thing…
The anime series got complex story, double love triangle, self searching, reaching out your goal… Every youth problems their hopes their dreams, failure, heartbreak… God this anime’s great!!!!
In the movie it came excruciatingly absurd because you won’t fit 32 episodes in just practically an hour… too bad…
The dorama, even though I didn’t have a high hopes in it, it turns out quite entertaining… Not too sappy, not too lame… Just okay…
Winner: Anime series!!!!!!! ^^

Characters and casts:
Morita Shinobu
(kyaaa Morita-san daisuki!!!!):

Iseya Yusuke
Narimiya Hiroki

A genius, free spirited, goof ball 7th year art student. My favorite character on the series.
Movie: Gyah!! Turns out Morita-san in the movie is quite a hunk!! In fact he’s too handsome to be Morita. Too manly in my opinion. Morita look like a class clown, yeah he’s not bad too look at, but he’s just a regular guy… This guy waaaay too handsome to be Morita.
The Morita character in the movie was also waaay off… He was depicted as this player who doesn’t give a damn about anything… Morita character became so mean in this movie.

Dorama: Gyah!!! (in a different tone) my deepest apology for the actor and the fans (including me)… Yea, I’ve said that Morita is just a regular guy, but I also mentioned that he’s good looking! This guy way off to be Morita. Hiroki looks like 'orang kampung' here...
The character came close to the anime tho… Nice!!! But this kind Morita is too artsy for me. Come on, he wore flashy shirt with spray paint on it… Morita wear a regular shirt, a solid blue, or white shirt – in some episode turns out that he also wore Mayama’s shirt…
Winner (anime Excluded): Dorama!!!! Sorry cute guy.. I have to be honest I like dorama Morita better.

Takemoto Yuuta:

Sakurai Sho
Ikuta Toma

Your average boy next door. The kind who will always overshadowed by the greatness of the people around him. A good regular boy, innocent, nice, kind, timid… An average boy that you can relate to any of your friend, even yourself.

Movie: Bravo!!! Bravo!!! This guy IS Takemoto!!! (exclude the fangirlism aside) He’s not handsome, not bad either. Look a bit of an idiot sometimes, but don’t average human do? Oh, the minus factor, is that Takemoto was having a job as Akaimafura Neko… That’s supposed to be Morita!!!

Dorama: Toma is too sweet to be Takemoto. A bit too soft, stylish and girl-ish to be him… Oh yeah… This Takemoto also a bit too genki in my opinion…
Winner: Movie!!!!!!

Mayama Takumi:

Kase Ryo
Mukai Osamu

A love sick smoking stalker!! The more mature one on the bunch. He’s like an older brother to all the student characters here. Have a major crush on his older boss.

Movie: Quite good… Just a bit too skinny.
Dorama: Too young, too skinny, I don’t really like this Mayama… It did not brings up his stalker side towards Rika, nor his possessive – older brother – way to Ayumi. Well, the movie was not either.
Winner: Hmmm… hard too choose… Emph... Movie..

Yamada Ayumi:

Seki Megumi
Harada Natsuki

A pretty girl who turns out to be a good drinker also. Her family owned a Sake store in local shopping district. All the second generations the district adore her and want to marry her. She's in love with Mayama and can’t cope with it… She and Morita were like brother and sister, in my opinion, actually they would be great together. But well…

Both movie and Dorama have great Ayumis… Great!!!! The only thing missing in the movie was the Ayumi Kick!!
Winner: A tie!!!!!!

Hanamoto Hagumi:

Aoi Yu
Narumi Riko

A genius artist who doesn’t speak much. Too short for her age. Looks like a koroboku… An Ainu dwarf or sumthing like that said Morita. Loves Morita, loved by Takemoto. Ayumi’s best friend. Moria’s rival in art. Have a deep bond with her uncle, Shuuji.

Movie: This girl is sooooo cute… She looks too young to be a college student, but isn’t Hagu looks too young also?

Dorama: This girl also pretty, but she doesn’t resemble Hagu. She’s too tall and was not cute enough… She’s pretty, but not cute… And she seems too independent…

Winner: Movie!!!!

Hanamoto Shuuji:

Sakai Masato
Murakami Jun

A lecturer in the university. He’s quite young often took as a student. His lounge was used to hang out by his students. Loves his niece Hagu so much.

The Shuji in movie came quite close, but still looks too old… and did not have the craziness about Hagu. In the Dorama he’s too old and did not too-possessive toward Hagu.
Winner: Movie!!!

Nomiya Takumi:

Kashiwabara Takashi

There’s no Nomiya in the movie. The depiction of Nomiya in the dorama is quite great. Well, in appearance, I thought he was Yamazaki, but later on, this character seems getting better… Nice!!!
Winner: Dorama!!!


It got Suga Shikao, Spitz, Suneo Hair, The Band has No Name, Yuki… A total greatness…!!!!! Awesome music for an anime. Every songs (opening, ending, insertion) capture the moments perfectly. There’s no anime on the line that could mixed music and story as good as this one… Hundreds thumbs ups….!!!!!
My favorite on the bunch is Sorosoro Ikanakuncha from Suga Shikao.

Great!!!!!!!!!! Classical, pop, MOR, mixed in to one album… Great… Tho not as great as the anime, but not bad…
My favorite on the bunch is Scooter by James Wendt

At first, I’m a bit disappointed with the lack of music in the dorama. As ending drawing nearer, I heard a familiar voice. Hirai Ken!!!!!!! Gyaaaaaa!!!!! Best Japanese male singer… Super graeat!!!! Hirai Ken – Canvas.

Winner: Tie!!!!!!

I LOVE HACHIKURO!!!!!!!! ^^v
Pensiun Sebentar Dari Dunia Per Film, Anime, Dorama......

Gw beli buku ini gara2 kovernya lucu... Setelah ada sekitar 2 minggu dirumah, baru hari ini dibaca (untuk menghilangkan kebosanan dikelas Psikologi Komunikasi dan dosennya yang cinta pada diri sendiri).

Siapa sangka kalo ternyata Snow White itu diracun sama 7 kurcaci??? Gara2 apa??? Gara-gara makannya banyak.. Si kurcaci2 itu sampe rela ngebayar berlian dan nyuruh orang yang udah desperate banget buat nikahin si Snow White dan membawanya pergi dari rumah mereka. ^^

Siapa yang ngira juga kalo ternyata Red Riding Hood itu nikah sama serigala yang pingin makan neneknya??? Trus ada juga cerita tentang ksatria yang diusir sama bokap karna Gay... Seriously... Gay Knight??? Not gay like Okama or Boy George gay.. But more like Kinomoto Touya gay... Dang it!!

Gara2 cerita ini gw jadi nyengir2 sendiri dikelas... Hehehheheh... (biasanya tiap minggu gw pingin bunuh diri dikelas ini). Mesti cari yang bukan terjemahan nih...

To Kill A Mocking Birdnya jadi agak tertunda... Hehehe.. Sori Din...

The Book of The Long Lost Things cukup memuaskan dahaga novel fantasy gw, setelah Abarat... Ah.... Jangan sampe kecanduan buku gw kumat lagi... Buku mahal soalnya...

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Treasure every moment you have

To understand the value of one year, just ask a student who fail the university entrance test
To understand the value of one month, just ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby
To understand the value of one week, just ask the editor of a weekly newspaper
To understand the value of one hour, just ask the lovers who are waiting to meet
To understand the value of one minute, just ask the people who missed their stop on the train
To understand the value of one second, just ask the person who manage to avoid an accident just in time
To understand the value of one tenth of a second, just ask the person who ended up with a silver medal at the Olympics


Sunday, November 02, 2008

Bury the Hatchet
Ah... Mungkin bener ya...
Akhir2 ini gw mikir kalo 'hmm.. Gimana kalo (knocked on wood) tiba2 sesuatu yang ga gw inginkan terjadi??'
Lalu mulai lah pikiran untuk patched up what I've left in a term of relationship... Jadi setelah dapat masukan semangat dari rekan2 bisnis *wink wink* mulai langkah kedepan...

But it seems, my good deed was misinterpreted..

Well, maybe some things really meant to LEFT UNSAID. the subject wasn't ready, or maybe its just my egoistical mind to barge into someone else's life... For that, I terribly deeply hountou ni sorry.

Daijooooobu!! Hito wa Hito, Jibun wa Jibun...

Furimuku na ushiro ni wa asu wa nai kara, de shou nee???
Wise words from idola Jepang masa kini, Arashi... ^o^v

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Okay... This is getting out of control... REALLY out of control!!
Para ahli berkata,
First step to cure addiction is by admitting that you have one....
Nah... Nah... Nah...
I really can't help it not to seek these guys' pictures and/or movies...

Sho Sakurai from Arashi

You've seen the group somewhere on the earlier post...
Arashi's one of the biggest group in Japan.... Managed by the biggest boyband supplier from the country. (Perhaps maybe like Contoh Management here... Waaaait... Does Kitagawa Johnny = Benny Simanjuntak??? O.o)

Dan seperti yang kita tau... Japanese Boybands are famous with their BISHOUNEN (cowo cantik... Ya... cantik, no Typos and no brainfart also)... Mkay... Among his teammate, Sho-chan itu yang paling... PALING laki dari semuah.... Can you believe it?? PALING LAKI????!!! That pretty guy is the manliest!! Heheheh...

Masih nyari lanjutannya TOKIO~Chichi e no Dengon... Dimana ya???

Lalu... Ada lelaki ini.....
Narimiya Hiroki

Enggak ganteng sih... Entah kenapa suka ngeliatnya.... Padahal di Honey and Clover gw hina hina... (Shinobu gw jadi aneh begitu!!! Ngeselin!!!)... Currently Watching Stand Up!, one of his Dramas with Ninomiya and Oguri Shun... And I can't stop laughing at Nino's "e~eh" ^^

And This guy also...
Mizishima Hiro

Finished Zettai Kareshi couple of weeks a go.... And of course... Nanba senpai in Hana Kimi...

dan tentunya....

I admit.... I'm addicted to PRETTY GUYS... And I'm loving every second of it....

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Magic 4002-ball of Ipod
Got this from someone's blog (forgot the URL... Gomen)

1. Put your music player on shuffle.

2. Press forward for each question.

3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense.

4. Write the answers down, or even comment on it.

1. How are you feeling today?
>>Rolling Star (Yui)
Comment: Sugeeeee!!!!

2. Will you get far in life?
>>Life is Wonderful (Jason Mraz)
Comment: Perhaps I have to hang in there till I find the beauty of life

3. What’s your best friend’s theme song?
>>Last Night (Craig Davids)
Comment: Haven't really listen to the song....

4. What is the story of your life?
>>Theme of Mimura (OST Yamada Tarou Monogatari)
Comment: Mimura's story?? Then I will get rich and have a super poor friend...

5. What was school like?
>>Wings of Words (Chemistry)
Comment: Hahahaha... Perhaps School is like sumthin' that would easily forgotten

6. How can you get ahead with life?
>>Be Your Girl (Kawabe Chieko)
Comment: With being someone's girl??? Huahaha... I should find a rich man!! ^^

7. Whats the best thing about your friends?
>>Holding Out for a Hero (Jennifer Saunders)
Comment: My friends are heroes who will gladly save me from my boring life...

8. Describe your grandparents?
>>When I Need You (Julio Iglesias)
Comment: Means they're not around anymore

9. How’s your life going?
>>Imagine (Blake Lewis)
Comment: Full of imagination, my life is...

10. What will be played at my funeral?
>>Fun In the Sun (Steve Harwell)
Comment: ... Errrm... Sounds like a very happy funeral...T^T

11. Will you have a happy life?
>>Poor Unfortunate Soul (OST Little Mermaid)
Comment: Jah!! I got a bad feeling about this...

12. What do your friends really think of you?
>>You Know What They Do To Guys (MCR)
Comment: Gyahahahaha.....

13. Do people secretly lust after you?
>>I'll Cover You (Rent)
Comment: ??

14. How can you make yourself happy?
>>Battlecry (Nujabees feat. Fat John)
Comment: Yippie kay yeay motherf*****! Hey! It does make me happy!!

15. Will you ever have children?
>>Tonight Tonight Tonight (Beat Crussader)
Comment: Holy Zeus!!!!!

16. What song would you strip to?
>>Kazemachi Jet (Sakamoto Maaya)
Comment: It's not really a sexy song to strip...

17. What does your mom think of you?
>>Main Theme of Tarou (Yamada Tarou Monogatari)
Comment: My mom think I'm poor??

18. What is your deep, dark secret?
>>Strenght (Koizumi Kouhei)
Comment: Don't tell anyone... I'm Sylar...

19. What is your enemy’s theme song?
>>One of God's Better People (Robbie Williams)
Comment: The Prophet is my enemy?? OMG.. I'm covered with sin!!!!

20. What’s your personality like?
>>Yesterday (The Beatles)
Comment: Yeah.. I dwell in the past

21. What will be played at your wedding?
>>Magalenha (Sergio Mendez)
Comment: It's gonna be a very latin wedding...
I've Got To Get Going

Somehow, I've stopped caring, and I ended up skiving off all morning
When I make transparent excuses, I get way too depressed
There's the bag of potato chips that she ate last night
And the beer I drank while watching TV just lying there on the table...

I think it's these cloudy days, although I'm mulling over all kinds of stuff

My family tells me, "At least give us a call"
Even though I don't really have anything I can talk about
My girlfriend often tells me, "This is boring"
It'll be noon in a few; I've got to get going soon

When I open the door, the cold air grabs tight hold of my ears
With my hand still on the doorknob, I try sucking in a breath
That starving dog I passed by looks over at me and barks out a laugh
To the point that it looks intentional, my white breaths coil around me one by one

When the weekend comes, will some stuff get a little better?

My girlfriend asks me, "Do you love me?"
And I can never give her a good answer
My friends tell me, "Don't look so surly"
I've had enough of sighs; I've got to get going soon

Everyone tells me, "Grow Up!"
Forget about dreams that I can't even see for my self
Like it's my catchphrase, I tell them, "Sorry"
Enough with the excuses. I really have to go

Sunday, October 05, 2008

24-sai no yokusoku
My hands clasped together say something
'If you dash out I may just be on time'
So it’s Bye-Bye to the me of yesterday
Who’d stand at the convenience store, reading magazines.

The sounds of the street that I dash out onto
Sound like cheers

The Sakura bloom in my heart
Those yet nameless dreams have started to grow
Don't look back because there's no tomorrow behind you
So I shall head forward

In front of the station, someone’s singing
That was your favourite song
No matter how far away I go, it definitely won’t fade
That’s why it’s not a parting.

Someday, I hope the two of us will meet by chance
At the place I’m dreaming of.

The Sakura bloom in your heart
Like small buds, shaking around.
I hope you won’t give up now, or feel down
Because I’m singing

The future and all keeps changing
I’ll change it and show you

I take this one step out right after the call, “right dress!�?
It’s the result of the battle—black and white
That’s why I’d like to let you know the key to living
It’s the power to get hold of even a hazy mirage
Sow the seeds now, the flowers will bloom
Talk about it after you’ve done it, we’ll still know what you’re talking about
That’s it, It’s all about keeping up with time
In spring, big flowers will bloom

I’d want to run into you, for sure

The Sakura bloom in my heart
Those yet nameless dreams have started to grow
When I turn back to look, it’s not tomorrow that’s behind me

Move forward! Move forward!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Plan for the not-too-long holiday
Monday DVD hunting plan: (must buy)
- Tengen Toppa Guren Lagaan
- Code Geass R2
- Water Boys
- Gokusen
- Anything with Arashi members on it… ^^
- What else ya???

Well, most of my plans have sumthin’ to do with watching sumthin’ so:
Plan to watch:
- Tokio - chichi e no dengon – to indulge my Arashi needs.. ^^ (yea.. Sue me!! I like this not-so-manly band). Haven’t found the fansub yet… *jot on notebook – find fan sub*. Damn crunchyroll don’t have ‘em…
- Kurosagi the movie
- Rani’s Charlie Bartlett
- True Tears

To do:
- P-R-O-V-I-N-C-E
- Finish Dini’s To Kill A Mocking Bird
- re-arrange my computer data
- Finish Rifaandme scandalous project *evil grin*

So many thing to do in so little time.. To Gintard, I think we hafte miss the Bandai fair… Ga bakalan sempet..

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Doodledee Doodleda...

Bocaaaaan... (Manajemen bina usaha. Monday, Sept, 23, 2008)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Guiltiest Pleasure Recently

Okay, bring on the laughter bomb....
Don't judge me... But .... Just don't judge me....
It's my Westlife... T-T

Sial.. Stelah lama ga nonton bola, pertandingan pertama yang gw tonton the a**h*** jepentus...
Mana menang lagi... Bad omen nih....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sushi tei

Ran-pyon disgust face

Sum doodles at werk

My zanpakutou shikai

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Famous Snappy Kemang.

Tempat dimana kami bertemu Nova yg sampe sekarang masih membekas di hati.. *blushing*

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ahahah... Jam 00:00

Ngapain tengah malem buta posting blog??? Jawabannya: Jenuh ngerjain Province tugas 2 minggu lalu dari kantor... Walo pun ngerjainnya sembari nonton/dengerin One Piece dan Bleach, tetep aja ga jadi menyenangkan.... (-_-)*... Mendokuse......

Belom lagi perasaan sebal gara2 orang terkutuk bernama Lelouch Lamperouge yang belom ilang dari sore tadi bikin tambah Muak!!! I hate you Lelouch!!!!!

In every job that must be done there's always an element of fun. You find the fun then 'Snap!!! The job's a game.
~Marry Poppins
Been meddling in this this task since mornin' Miss Poppins, haven't found the fun yet...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Dang It!!
A lightbulb moment appears in the middle of work…!!
Must write… Must write…

Space – You and me versus The World….

There ya have it!!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008



Setelah bertahun tahun saya mencari kesana kemari tanpa satu petunjuk pun, akhirnya saya diberi pencerahan oleh salah satu friend with benefit saya… Pokopen-chuaaaaaan daisukiiii!!! Hontou ni daisukiiiiii!!!

Kenapa saya segembira ini? Karena setelah lebih dari 10 tahun mencari saya dapatkan apa yang saya cari selama ini… (halah mengulang kata cari)..

ANIMORPH series!!!!

Kalau kamu kenal baik dengan kuh, pasti kamu tau seberapa gilanya daku dengan serial ini. Animorph and me goes beyond Harry Potter series and One Piece manga… Dari mulai SMP kelas satu kalo ga salah gw mulai ngikutin seri ini setelah bosan dengan buku2 Enid Blyton dan serial Goosebumps yang endingnya bikin sakit hati, namun masih mengganggap diri saya terlalu muda untuk beralih ke Fearstreet… Gw ngikutin buku ini dari nomor satu sampe nomor terakhir yang diterbitin Gramedia sebelom dicancel nomor 23. Adapun beberapa yang yang hilang sewaktu saya masih belum menghargai kepemilikan seperti sekarang.

Anyhoo… Mulailah saya membaca karya K. A. Applegate ini. Temanya science fiction, adventure, action, fantasy and a little bit teenage romance drama. Jadi ceritanya, bumi di invasi oleh mahluk luar angkasa berwujud keong, Yerks, yang kerjaannya nyusup ke kuping orang (dan makhluk hidup lain yang berkuping tak terkecuali alien lain) dan menjadikannya host (btw, terjemahannya induk semang -- buset kaya’ koskosan ya??)

Nah, sekelompok anak SMP (SMTP, SLTP or whatever…) sadar kalo bumi telah diinvasi alien gara2 mereka ngeliat cahaya dari langit jatuh di abandoned construction site dan ketemu sama alien jenis Andalit namanya Elfangor yang ternyata semacem panglima besar di planetnya. Nah si Elfangor ini ngasih mereka kekuatan untuk berubah bentuk jadi hewan apapun yang mereka sentuh… Dan kekuatan ini digunakan untuk ngelawan si keong dan ally-nya (Hork Bajir yang kaya mesin gunting rumput namun pemakan tanaman, dan Taxxon yang kaya lipan, dsb).

Pokoknya serial ini menceritakan gimana perasaan anggota animorph itu berubah jadi hewan. Ada yang menyenangkan kaya jadi burung atau lumba-lumba, ada yang anggun kaya jadi kucing dan harimau, ada yang serasa jadi robot kaya waktu jadi semut dan sebagainya.

Dari serial ini gw baru tau kalo semut itu hidupnya dikendaliin sama ratu semut, dan ga ada semut yang punya pikiran sendiri pokoknya menurut deskripsi buku ini, semut itu adalah mahluk sosialis komunis berat dah (fakta yang sungguh bertentangan dengan cerita A Bug’s Life)… Dari serial ini juga gw tau kalo Killer Whale itu juga di sebut Orca (mungkin dari bahasa latinnya Orcinus orca)

Sejak di cancel Gramedia, saya sibuk mencari lanjutan2 dari seri ini, namun apa daya selalu pulang dengan tangan hampa. Beberapa kali daku membuat kotor jendela QB bookstore di beberapa pusat perbelanjaan karena melihat serial ini (dengan bahasa inggris) terpampang apik di etalase sambil berliur. Saat itu saya tak mampu beli.. karena harganya sebuah Rp75,000, adapun uang jajan saya sehari Rp1,000. Satu-satunya harapan adalah ketika Lebaran tiba… Dengan segenap hati mengumpulkan uang salam tempel untuk beli buku berharga ini dan cuman kebeli satu edisi doang T^T.. Pun itu ga nyambung sama buku yang terakhir terbit disini (longkap hampir 10 buku).

Semasa SMU (SMA, SMU, SLTA… Whatever you call it now), saya sempet menemukan serial ini yang telah diadaptasi kedalam serial anak2 di Nickelodeon US, starred Shawn Ashmore (sebelum ngetop jadi Iceman di X-men trilogy) dan satu tokoh lagi yang main di serial Joey, jadi keponakannya Matt LeBlanc. Tanpa sengaja nemu VCD bajakannya di Mangga 2, satu CD ada 3 episode (FYI, terjemahannya busuuuuk banget, bahkan mendingan saya yang terjemahin deh). Cuman ada satu CD doang, abis itu saya nyari lagi sampe goblok ga ada yang jual…

Saya bahkan beli game Sony PS-nya (masih PS 1, buset kemana PS gw yak???) dan bisa tamat 17 belas kali saking demennya sama serial itu (salah satu game favorit saya sepanjang masa, seri sama Musical Rhapsody, Harvest Moon dan Wall Climber).

Tahun demi tahun pun berlalu, tak terasa saya sudah kuliah tahun ketiga, ketika salah seorang teman mulai membicarakan serial ini lagi… Ternyata ada juga orang yang baca serial ini selain daku… (sampai terharu). Bahkan dia bersedia meminjamkan saya beberapa edisi Animorph yang ternyata fotokopian dari buku aslinya (bayangin sodara2 POTOKOPIAN!! Macemnya diktat kuliah!!!). Beberapa edisi tersebut cukup untuk menghilangkan dahaga akan serial ini.

Sekarang, saat saya udah kerja… Teman kuliah saya bersedia ngedonlot-in serial ini dalam bentuk e-book pdf, beserta beberapa buku tambahannya. Side story kalo mau kerennya. Padahal dulu sampe ampir gila daku ga nemu2 buku ini…

Saya cinta Internet!!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008


You could’ve said a word but you turned away
Why do you always act such a passive way?
Now don’t you ever think that I would suck up to you
But I still believe in you

When I was given freedom, oh all I did was flee
When I turn back there was nothing to see
You closed your doors before I could open mine
Now I know, now I see, it was a waste of time

The days go by, you never seem to learn to fly
And all you do is find the reason why
And all I wished for was for you to face your dreams
I still believe that you can fly

When I was given passion, oh I tried to cool it down
Till I found out, I couldn’t say the words I wanted to say
You are the sun to lighten up my shadows, saved me
And never let it go

The days go by, you never seem to learn to fly
And all you do is find the reason why
And all I wished for was for you to face your dreams
I still believe that you can fly

There’s no way I can talk to who you were ten days ago
Cause you are who you are now

When I was facing reality, I lived in fantasy
Till I put it aside in the space between you and me
If only I could reach the voice in the water
Take me there, it’s gonna be much better

As days go by, we all need to learn to fly
If only I didn’t care about the reason why
And all I wished for was for you to meet my dreams
I still believe that we can fly

I’m just waiting for you to stand up to it
What are you waiting for?

You could’ve said a word but you turned away
Why do you always act such a passive way?
Now don’t you ever think that I would suck up to you
But I still believe in you

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Journey from home to work

1.Wish – Arashi
2.My Pace – Sunsetswish
3.Chu Bura – Kelun
4.This Love – Angela Aki
5.Melissa – Porno Graffiti

So much on my head no time to write...

Friday, August 01, 2008

Over Kill by Collin Hay
I can't get to sleep
I think about the implications
Of diving in too deep
And possibly the complications

Especially at night
I worry over situations
I know I'll be alright
Perhaps it's just imagination

Day after day it reappears
Night after night my heartbeat shows the fear
Ghosts appear and fade away
Ghosts appear and fade away
Ghosts appear and fade away

Thursday, July 17, 2008

An Assessment on my assessment from my workplace

A couple weeks a go, my office issued an assessment on me. According to my supervisor I’m:
- Punctual
- A good reporter
- Cooperative
- Meeting deadlines
- Helpful
- And so on and so forth…

- Lack of initiative
- Have to work in self confidence
- Lack of concentration
- Have to improve in grammar.

I’m not here to write about my positive aspects (Come on! It’s all common sense for a worker… Hello!!!). Let’s talk about the negative…

Actually, it’s all based on one thing and one thing only. I only have to improve this thing and they all will come around… Something that I can’t seem to get a hold of is my concentration.

From the beginning I know about the term know-your-self, I know that concentration is the one I’m lacking of. But I never know that this little thing could affect everything in my life.

I know that I have a wide range of knowledge. I know about sports, movies, politics, law, music, techno, graphic design, culture, language, religion, history etc… I used to be proud of it but none of them made me curious to dig deep. I don’t have any specialty.

As I analyzing me self it came back to lack of concentration. Let’s put it like this.

As I’m watching football match on TV, my mind started to wonder about the movie Goal! (Starring Kuno Becker by the way) then when I think about movies, I started to think about the movie I like (i.e. Band of Brother), then I’l started to think about how war will destroy everything then my will started to think about famine – bulimic – Nicole Richie – Hollywood – culture – arts – religion – occultism etc etc…

See… My mind sometime wanders off somewhere and I can’t control it. When my mind wanders off it’s hard for me to get back to the first thing I do… Seriously, I can’t help it….

Okay, continue…

Lack of initiative.
I have this some kind of believe… Never volunteer for anything. Because you’ll ends up ruin everything. So you would never see me volunteering in any kind of occasion. Well, sometime I do volunteers, once every blue moon.

To have a good initiative you have to get a good self confidence which I’m also lacking of…

Lack of confidence
What is confidence? Freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities (wordweb). Freedom from doubt. I always doubt everything!!! Belief in your self and your ability. As I said before, I can’t rely on my ability because I only know the basic.. I always second thought my self. And ends up let some one decide things for me because I don’t believe my self know what good for me.

Sounds Pathetic huh???

My life has been one great big joke,
A dance that's walked
A song that's spoke,
I laugh so hard I almost choke
When I think about myself.
(Maya Angelou)

Friday, July 04, 2008

This is the guy that I'm going to marry
Christoph Metzelder, a guy from Germany.
- Plays for Madrid (one of my most hated club)..

- Heard that he grows beard and will never shave it till his injuriy cured...

- Once, so close to inter... Dang!!!

- Plays Cello

- Turns 28 this November...

Gyaaaaa!!! (fangirl scream) *nose bleed* XD!!!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Battle Between Idealism vs. Stability

It happens again...!!!

The battle between my Idealism and Stability… And the winner is…..!!!


So.. The stands are Stability: 3; Idealism: 0….

Guess we couldn’t live based on idealism alone, Ne?

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Awkward with Blogger new look...
Have to learn Indonesian...